Magnetic disks Magnetic tape has been used for data storage for over 50 years. Magnetic Tape is gmail access storage device used for data collection, backup and archiving. It its of a thin tape with a coating of a fine magnetic material, used for recording mag or digital data. A device that stores computer data on magnetic tape is a tape de Magnetic Tapes generally transfer data a bit slower than hard drives; however magic tapes are cheaper and are more durable.
These devices are usually used for asking heckup of data. The major drawback of tape is its sequential format. Locating a pic record requires reading every record before it or searching for markers that i predefined partitions. Also updating requires copying files from the original age a bank tape and adding the new data in between while copying. Tapes are used fe string large amount of data. Modern tapes can-store data up to 5 Terabytes. It is used with minicomputers and mainframes for backups and archives.
Advantage of magnetic tapes
- Cheap
- Can store large amount of data.
- Easy to edit using a traditional linear editing system.
- Easy to handle and store.