An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure or set of instructions used to solve a specific problem or perform a specific task. It is a well-defined sequence of actions that takes some input and produces the desired output.
Let's break down the concept of an algorithm using a simple example:
Finding the Maximum Number in a List
Input: A list of numbers
Output: The maximum number in the list
Start with an initial assumption that the first number in the list is the maximum.
Compare this assumed maximum number with each subsequent number in the list.
If a number is found that is greater than the assumed maximum, update the assumed maximum to that number.
Continue comparing the assumed maximum with each remaining number in the list until all numbers have been checked.
Once all numbers have been examined, the assumed maximum will be the actual maximum number in the list.
Output the assumed maximum as the maximum number.
Let's illustrate this algorithm with an example list: [5, 12, 3, 9, 2, 17]
Step-by-Step Execution:
Start with the first number, 5, and assume it is the maximum.
Compare 5 with the next number, 12. Since 12 is greater than 5, update the assumed maximum to 12.
Continue comparing the assumed maximum (12) with the next number, 3. Since 12 is greater than 3, there is no change.
Compare the assumed maximum (12) with the next number, 9. Again, no change since 12 is still greater than 9.
Compare the assumed maximum (12) with the next number, 2. Since 12 is greater than 2, there is no change.
Finally, compare the assumed maximum (12) with the last number, 17. As 17 is greater than 12, update the assumed maximum to 17.
All numbers have been checked, and the assumed maximum (17) is the actual maximum number in the list.
Output 17 as the maximum number.
In this example, the algorithm for finding the maximum number in a list is a simple step-by-step process that iterates through the list and updates the assumed maximum whenever a larger number is encountered. By following the algorithm, we can reliably determine the maximum number in the given list.