Processor is the brain of computer which is known as CPU(central processing unit). It is made of silicon chip, which is fixed on motherboard. The processing capabilities depend upon the processor. All arithmetic and logic operation are performed in processor. CPU consist of control unit (CU), arithmetic and logic unit (ALU).
Component of processor
- Control unit(CU)
- Arithmetic and logic unit(ALU)
- Register
Control unit
Control unit is the part of processor which coordinate and directs the operation of computer. Its primary job to take the instruction and than direct the other part of computer to perform operation according to the given instructions . It not execute any instruction itself . It maintain the flow and sequence of instruction for process.
Arithmetic and logic unit
Arithmetic and logic unit is the part of processor where all mathematical and logical operation performed . It is processing area of computer. ALU further consist of two component.
- Arithmetic unit(AU)
- Logic unit(LU)
Arithmetic unit(AU)
AU perform all the mathematical operation such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
Logic unit(LU)
LU perform all logical operation such as <, >, <=, =>, !=,=,== . It compare two values and given result of in the form of true(1) or false(0)
2<8 true, 5+4=9 true, 2<1 false
Register are very small high speed memory location inside the processor. There are 32 register inside the processor. It is temporary storage. It is working area of computer. There are two types of registers
- General purpose register
- Special purpose register